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Tools for group assignments


Group assignments are best managed using built in Ultra tools. Currently this can only handle non-anonymous group assessment.

Course Groups & Ultra Assignment

For written or other file-based group assignments, the most suitable tools available are the built-in Ultra Course Groups used together with an Ultra Assignment submission point set up for group submission:

  • Any of the students can submit the final file on behalf of the group.
  • All students can view their group's submission, grade and feedback.
  • Submissions can be marked directly through the Ultra Gradebook.


Ultra Assignments don't yet support anonymous marking for group submissions, so can only be used for formative or non-anonymous summative work.

Turnitin Feedback Studio can't be used to manage group submissions.


The process for managing a group assignment is very similar to other written assignment workflows.

As they are formative or non-anonyous, they can be set up by the admin team or module teaching staff (refer to your departmental guidelines).

flowchart TB
    accTitle: Process for managing a group assignment
    accDescr {
        1. Set up: create Course Groups and Ultra assignment group submission point. Release to students
        2. Students: Complete assigment and submit
        3. Marking team grade in Ultra Gradebook
        4. Admin team review and release marks

    subgraph set-up [Set up]
    direction TB
    id1(Set up Course Groups) --> id2(Create Create Ultra Assignment group submission point) 
    id2 --> id3(Release submission point to students)
    subgraph students [Students]
    direction TB
    id4(Complete assignment and submit)
    subgraph marking [Marking & release]
    direction TB
    id5(Marking team: grade assignments in Ultra Gradebook)
    id5 --> id6(Admin team: review and release marks)
    set-up --> students --> marking

Useful guides

See our specific guides for information on managing aspects of the group assignment workflow: