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Course links


Course link display an item in another area of the same site.

Course links help users navigate easily between content in different areas of the site. This is particularly useful to direct students from a materials section to a reference item needed at that time.

For example, a Course link could be added to a weekly materials section to send students to details of an assessment task introduced that week.

A Course link appears in the Course Content area with a small link icon. Editing or deleting this link does not change the original item.


  1. Hover over where you want to add the link and click the plus icon.
  2. Choose Create then select Link.
  3. Select Course Link.
  4. Enter a keyword and/or select relevant Category.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Select the relevant item from results. You can adapt the display name and add a description for the link item (this does not change the original item).
  7. Click Save
