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Navigating an Ultra site


An introduction to the key areas and structure of an Ultra site.

Within an Ultra site, there are three main sections:

  1. Top Menu: Access course tools including the Gradebook and Announcements.
  2. Course Content area: The main site area. Create and access course content here.
  3. Details & Actions access site tools including the Class Register and Course Image.


Top menu

The navigation menu below the site name gives access to a number of course tools:

Menu item Description
Content Return to the Course Content area
Calendar View the Calendar showing events within Ultra for this site (eg. assignment deadlines). This is not integrated with Google Calendar or the University's timetabling system.
Announcements View or create an announcement email to all site users.
Discussions Quick access all of the course's discussion boards.
Gradebook Grade information and access to submissions for all of the markable items in a course.
Messages Send private messages to individual students or groups (off by default, but you can turn on). Students can't reply to Messages.
Analytics Overview of student activity and question analysis of Tests deployed.
Groups Use Groups to manage teaching, administration and assessment activities in your course
Student Preview View the course as it appears to a student

Course Content

Content is created and accessed in the Course Content area appearing in the main body area of the site.

Items can be organised in two types of conent containers; Learning Modules or Folders. Click a content container to expand it to show the items within, and click again to collapse.


To open an item, click on it in the Course Content area. This will open the content in a new layer across the site. To close the item and return to the Course Content area, click X.



The module site template has a pre-populated Course Content area with containers for different content and pages to populate with your module-specific information.

For more details, see our guide to Prepare sites for teaching

Details & Actions

This menu gives access to a number of different tools:

Menu item Description
Class register List of everyone enrolled on the site, including staff members (by default this is hidden from students)
Progress Tracking Allow students to track their progress through materials
Course Image Upload, edit or remove the site's Course Image
Course is open / Course is private Set site availability as visible or hidden to students
Class Collaborate Access the Blackboard Collaborate virtual classroom
Attendance Not used at York
Books & Tools Access LTI tools such as Reading Lists and Panopto/Replay
Question banks Build and manage sets of questions shared between Tests