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Unenrol a user


Users can be manually unenrolled from a Learn Ultra course or organisation. There are different methods depending on whether their data should be deleted or retained.


These methods can be used to unenrol a user that was manually enrolled on the site.

If a user was automatically enrolled through a Group user (this applies to most students), extra steps are needed to prevent them being re-enrolled again after they are removed. Contact us to unenrol these users.

Remove a user and delete their data


Removing a user from a course will delete all of their marks, assignment submissions, activity logs and data from the course (eg. posts to Discussions). This cannot be undone. To retain the user's data, remove their access to the course instead.

In the relevant Learn Ultra site:

  1. Under the Details & Actions menu, select Class register/View everyone on your course.
  2. Locate the user to unenrol using the search function or by finding them in the list.
  3. Click the three dots to the right of the user's name and select Edit member information.
  4. If the user has a non-Student role, change their role to Student using the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the dustbin icon next to the user's name to remove them from the course.
  6. When prompted, click remove member. This cannot be undone.

Remove a user's access but retain their data

The user won't be able to access the course, but any marks, submissions or contributions will remain in the site.

In the relevant Learn Ultra site:

  1. Under the Details & Actions menu, select Class register/View everyone on your course.
  2. Locate the user to unenrol using the search function or by finding them in the list.
  3. Click the three dots to the right of the user's name and select Edit member information.
  4. If the user has a non-Student role, change their role to Student using the drop-down menu.
  5. Untick the Allow access to course option.
  6. Click Save.


  • Error “Cannot remove Instructor users from course. Only System Administrator users can remove Instructor users”: change the user's role from Instructor to Student before removing them.
  • User reappears after being unenrolled: they have likely been automatically reinstated through a group user enrolment. Contact us to unenrol these users.