Learn Ultra
Learn Ultra is the VLE used to support teaching in modules for on-campus programmes and most non-York Online distance programmes.
HYMS Learn Ultra for the Hull York Medical School is accessed via a different URL, but runs on the same system.
What Ultra can do
A module Ultra site can:
- contain various types of module materials: files, videos, quizzes and more.
- offer a range of formative and summative assessment methods.
- support online discussions and other communication methods.
- manage groupwork and group assessment.
- facilitate synchronous and asynchronous online and blended learning.
Key Ultra guides
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Communication & interaction
To find other Ultra guides:
- explore our guide topics in the navigation menu
- search for specific content with the search box (top right)
- browse the Site index to see all guides listed by topic tags
Blog: Ultra
Our DET Blog: Learn Ultra covers Ultra-specific in-depth news items, research news and time-sensitive updates (also embedded below).