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Reading List


Module readings (eg. book chapters, journal papers) must be provided using the Leganto Reading List tool. This is included in site templates.

Relevant VLE site design principles

  • 3.2 Essential: Provide module readings using the Reading List tool

Reading list benefits

Use the Reading List so that:

  • the Library can ensure appropriate stock levels and manage copyright compliance.
  • all module readings are collated in an easily accessible location rather than students having to search the site for them.
  • items are directly accessible through single-sign-on, giving a more seamless and accessible experience.
  • individual items can also be linked to from weekly or topic-based materials sections.

Set up your Reading List

  • See Reading Lists: a Practical Guide for details of setting up and using Reading Lists, and where to get help.
  • Structure the Reading List using weekly sections (or other sections matching module site structure) to aid navigation.
  • Label each item as Essential, Recommended or Background to help students plan workload and help the Library maintain appropriate stock. For advice on setting up your Reading List or using third-party materials appropriately, contact the Reading List team or your Faculty Librarian.


  1. Select the area you want the Reading List icon to appear and click on the pink '+'
  2. Click 'create'
  3. Select the Content Market
  4. Hover over the Reading List option and click on the '+' next to it.
  5. The reading list icon should now apear in the content area. You can drag and drop the icon to move it to the desired location.

My colleague can see the reading list but I cannot

  1. Check you are an instructor on the VLE site
  2. You will also need appropriate access on the reading list itself. Your module convenor should be able to make you a 'collaborator' on the reading list. Additional info on how add Collaborators
  3. Ensure the reading list is published, so it is visible to all staff and students enrolled on the module VLE site.

Further help