Site index
Not sure what you're looking for? Browse the list of guides tagged by tool, role or use.
- Add presentation slides
- Ally: accessibility tool
- Editing Captions in Panopto
- Maths content
- Prepare sites for teaching
- Reading List
- Site readiness checklist
- VLE site design principles
- Xerte | interactive content
- Anon Assign end of life
- Assessed presentations
- Assessment & LoA
- Assignment | groupwork
- Assignment | marking
- Assignment | set up
- Case study: Designing appropriate assessments
- Case study: Developing the ‘Business Planning and Sustainable Entrepreneurship’ module
- Case study: Developing the ‘Structure of English’ module site
- Case study: Philosophy and Society podcasts for assessed groupwork
- Case study: Portfolio approaches in the undergraduate Global Development degree programme
- Case study: Ultra Test for assessment
- Case study: Video feedback for students in Psychology
- Gradebook
- Journal | reflection
- Mark Schema
- Marking Rubric
- Resit considerations
- TFS & E:Vision | manage feedback & marks
- TFS | marking
- TFS | set up
- Test | quizzes & exams
- Update due dates
- VLE site design principles
- Which assessment tool?
- Case study: A cross-departmental approach to consistency in the VLE for Archaeology
- Case study: Accessible VLE sites in Ultra
- Case study: Applying emerging Virtual Reality technologies to the study of spatial audio
- Case study: Applying emerging Virtual Reality technologies to the study of spatial audio
- Case study: Building and rolling out the Ultra VLE template in the Department of Biology
- Case study: Designing appropriate assessments
- Case study: Developing the ‘Business Planning and Sustainable Entrepreneurship’ module
- Case study: Developing the ‘Humanity, Economics & Management’ module
- Case study: Developing the ‘Structure of English’ module site
- Case study: Enhancing in-person learning opportunities by using recorded media
- Case study: Enhancing skills through Virtual Reality Simulation
- Case study: Formative teaching assignments: Moving to electronic submission and marking in Chemistry
- Case study: Making course notes (with mathematical equations) more accessible
- Case study: Philosophy and Society podcasts for assessed groupwork
- Case study: Portfolio approaches in the undergraduate Global Development degree programme
- Case study: Student and teacher experiences of asynchronous activities with Padlet and Google docs
- Case study: Summative marking with Turnitin Feedback Studio
- Case study: Supporting transition and skills development through technology-enabled dialogue and feedback
- Case study: The Psychology Student Engagement Hub
- Case study: The challenges and accessibility opportunities of pre-recorded lecture content
- Case study: The longer-term benefits of COVID-era flipped classroom techniques for a core PGT MA skills module
- Case study: Ultra Test for assessment
- Case study: Ultra and Open Educational Resources (Openstax)
- Case study: Use of discussion boards in the Popular Culture, Media and Society module
- Case study: Using Ultra to overcome teaching and learning challenges in a first semester history module
- Case study: Using Xerte to enhance asynchronous learning
- Case study: Using accessibility reports to enhance module VLE sites
- Case study: Using the journal tool and discussion groups on the ‘Strategic planning: a journey’ module
- Case study: Video feedback for students in Psychology
- Announcements
- Assignment | groupwork
- Case study: A cross-departmental approach to consistency in the VLE for Archaeology
- Case study: Designing appropriate assessments
- Case study: Philosophy and Society podcasts for assessed groupwork
- Case study: Student and teacher experiences of asynchronous activities with Padlet and Google docs
- Case study: Supporting transition and skills development through technology-enabled dialogue and feedback
- Case study: Use of discussion boards in the Popular Culture, Media and Society module
- Course Groups
- Discussion
- Journal | reflection
- Messages
- Notifications
- Padlet | pinboards
- Contact us
- Finding Usernames
- Finding YCodes
- International access
- Intro for new staff
- News
- System updates & issues
- Taking screenshots
- Troubleshooting common issues
- Case studies
- Case study: Enhancing in-person learning opportunities by using recorded media
- Case study: Using Xerte to enhance asynchronous learning
- Closed questions
- Collaborate & share
- Create a presentation
- Discussion
- Display & analyse results
- Form | survey
- Journal | reflection
- Log in
- Mentimeter
- Open questions
- Other question types
- Padlet | pinboards
- Present with Mentimeter
- Q&A and comments
- Safe anonymity for open responses
- Start with AI
- Test | quizzes & exams
- Use asynchronously
- Xerte | interactive content
- Anon Assign end of life
- Assessment & LoA
- Assignment | set up
- Course Groups
- Course access | site availability
- Courses list
- Getting started with Ultra
- Mark Schema
- Marking Rubric
- TFS & E:Vision | manage feedback & marks
- TFS | set up
- Troubleshooting common issues
- Update due dates
- User management
- VLE site design principles
- Which assessment tool?
- Basic editing
- Content visibility & release conditions
- Copy content
- Course access | site availability
- Courses list
- Document | pages
- Getting started with Ultra
- Learning Modules & Folders
- Logging into Panopto
- Prepare sites for teaching
- Replay Lecture Capture in Teaching Rooms
- Reusing module media
- Site readiness checklist
- TFS | marking
- Troubleshooting common issues
- Upload Files
- VLE site design principles
- Which assessment tool?
- AI tools for Learning Technology
- Assessed presentations
- Canvas | VLE for York Online
- Case studies
- Case study: Student and teacher experiences of asynchronous activities with Padlet and Google docs
- Case study: Using Xerte to enhance asynchronous learning
- Closed questions
- Collaborate & share
- Create a presentation
- Display & analyse results
- International access
- Intro for new staff
- Log in
- Mentimeter
- Open questions
- Other question types
- Padlet | pinboards
- Present with Mentimeter
- Q&A and comments
- Reading List
- Safe anonymity for open responses
- Site readiness checklist
- Start with AI
- System data & analytics
- Update due dates
- Use asynchronously
- VLE site design principles
- Xerte | interactive content
- Add presentation slides
- Assessed presentations
- Basic editing
- Case study: Enhancing in-person learning opportunities by using recorded media
- Case study: The challenges and accessibility opportunities of pre-recorded lecture content
- Changing Video Availability
- Copy a recording
- Editing Captions in Panopto
- Embedding Panopto Videos in Blackboard Ultra
- International access
- Intro for new staff
- Logging into Panopto
- Moving a Recording
- Renaming a Recording
- Replay Lecture Capture in Teaching Rooms
- Reusing module media
- Sharing a Recording
- Site readiness checklist
- System data & analytics
- Troubleshooting common issues
- VLE site design principles
- AI Design Assistant
- AI conversation
- AI tools for Learning Technology
- Ally: accessibility tool
- Announcements
- Assessed presentations
- Assignment | groupwork
- Assignment | marking
- Assignment | set up
- Batch edit
- Case study: A cross-departmental approach to consistency in the VLE for Archaeology
- Case study: Accessible VLE sites in Ultra
- Case study: Building and rolling out the Ultra VLE template in the Department of Biology
- Case study: Developing the ‘Business Planning and Sustainable Entrepreneurship’ module
- Case study: Developing the ‘Humanity, Economics & Management’ module
- Case study: Developing the ‘Structure of English’ module site
- Case study: Formative teaching assignments: Moving to electronic submission and marking in Chemistry
- Case study: Making course notes (with mathematical equations) more accessible
- Case study: Summative marking with Turnitin Feedback Studio
- Case study: The Psychology Student Engagement Hub
- Case study: Ultra Test for assessment
- Case study: Ultra and Open Educational Resources (Openstax)
- Case study: Using Ultra to overcome teaching and learning challenges in a first semester history module
- Case study: Using accessibility reports to enhance module VLE sites
- Case study: Using the journal tool and discussion groups on the ‘Strategic planning: a journey’ module
- Content visibility & release conditions
- Copy content
- Course Groups
- Course access | site availability
- Course image (site banner)
- Course staff
- Courses list
- Discussion
- Document | pages
- Embedding Panopto Videos in Blackboard Ultra
- Form | survey
- Getting started with Ultra
- Gradebook
- International access
- Intro for new staff
- Journal | reflection
- Learning Modules & Folders
- Link
- Mark Schema
- Marking Rubric
- Maths content
- Messages
- Notifications
- Prepare sites for teaching
- Reading List
- Site readiness checklist
- Standard Ultra site names
- System data & analytics
- TFS & E:Vision | manage feedback & marks
- TFS | marking
- TFS | set up
- Test | quizzes & exams
- Troubleshooting common issues
- Update due dates
- Upload Files
- Upload HTML
- User management
- VLE site design principles
- Which assessment tool?