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Troubleshooting common issues


Quickly solve many general issues yourself by completing standard troubleshooting steps.

Which issues can this fix?

Many general issues with our systems (particularly Learn Ultra and Panopto) can be easily and quickly solved with these steps, including:

  • content not loading
  • changes not saving
  • errors for something that usually works

If you're contacting us for help with issues like this, please try these steps first to see if they fix your problem. We'll ask you to do them first anyway!

Key troubleshooting steps

  1. Use a supported and up to date browser (Chrome or Firefox)
  2. Clear cookies & cache
  3. Disable browser extensions/add-ons
  4. Enable pop ups
  5. Consider cookie settings

For more information on how to complete these steps, see our troubleshooting guide (also embedded below).