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Mentimeter is our University-supported web-based tool for adding polling and other interaction to presentations or sessions.


Participants respond online to the variety of questions available through a mobile device or laptop by scanning a QR code or entering a ‘session code’ at You can then access or share these responses during and after the presentation. No special software is required.

In one word, why do you think Mentimeter may be useful for you? Responses in order of frequency: interactive, engagement, fun, feedback, inclusion, creative, active, informative, exciting, thought-provoking, responsive, atmosphere, Dialogue, insight, Support, Chunks, q_and_a, Attention, Break, Partcipatory Measurable, Knowledge, Attention, Evaluation, Reassurance, Identify misunderstanding"  title="In one word, why do you think Mentimeter may be useful for you? Responses in order of frequency: interactive, engagement, fun, feedback, inclusion, creative, active, informative, exciting, thought-provoking, responsive, atmosphere, Dialogue, insight, Support, Chunks, q_and_a, Attention, Break, Partcipatory Measurable, Knowledge, Attention, Evaluation, Reassurance, Identify misunderstanding

Mentimeter’s own help pages are comprehensive and well categorised, and individual guides contain step-by step instructions with screenshots and/or video walkthroughs.

These pages provide information on Mentimeter at the University of York with:

  • case studies from staff making use of the tool to support active and inclusive learning
  • opportunities to access training and resources and join communication channels
  • guidance on how to use Mentimeter at the University.


Mentimeter has robust data protection measures in place but it should never be used to process ‘internal, confidential or special categories of personal data, nor any other personal data that is particularly worthy of protection’.


Mentimeter have published the following:

Please contact us if you would like to discuss the accessibility of Mentimeter further.

Communication channels

All staff can use these communication channels to receive updates about Mentimeter at the University of York. These include topics such as updates about the Mentimeter service, information about training and resources, requests for feedback, and invitations to take part in experience sharing activities.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss Mentimeter, you can also contact us.

Blog: Mentimeter

Our DET Blog: Mentimeter covers Mentimeter-specific in-depth news items, research news and time-sensitive updates (also embedded below).