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Managing the Availability of Lecture Captures in Panopto


Panopto allows you to control the availability of lecture captures automatically based on dates or manually at the folder or capture level. This guide will walk you through how to make your lecture captures available or unavailable to students, ensuring they are released at the right time.


You will need 'Creator' or edit access to be able to adjust video availability settings

Changing Availability Settings

Availability can be managed within the Settings at both the folder and individual capture levels. If a capture is not available to students, Panopto will display "Not available to viewers" next to the recording.

Making Your Lecture Captures Unavailable by Default

You can set a folder to make all new captures unavailable by default. This allows you to manually release them when ready.

  1. Click the Settings icon for the folder you want to configure.
  2. In the settings pane, click on the Settings link on the left.
  3. Scroll down to the Sessions become available section.
  4. Choose "never (unless set on the session)" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Close the settings pane by clicking the X icon at the top.

Releasing Captures That Were Unavailable by Default

To release a capture that was set to be unavailable by default, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon next to the capture you want to release.

  2. Under the Session becomes available section, choose "now" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Close the settings pane by clicking the X icon at the top.

Making Individual Captures Unavailable Indefinitely

To hide a specific capture indefinitely, set its availability to a past date.

  1. Click the Settings icon next to the capture you want to hide.

  2. Under the Session remains available section, choose "until" and set the date and time to a past date.

  3. Close the settings pane by clicking the X icon at the top.

Making Individual Captures Visible/Hidden After a Specific Date

You can configure a capture to become available or hidden on a specific date.

  1. Click the Settings icon next to the capture you want to schedule.

  2. Under the Session remains available section in the Overview pane, choose "until" and set the desired date and time.

  3. Close the settings pane by clicking the X icon at the top.