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Other Tools


We also offer a range of other tools to support teaching and learning. Potential uses include building or presenting content, introducing interactivity and facilitating communication.

Not sure which tool to use?

Our Tools at a glance guide categorises the learning technology tools available at the University by theme or approach to learning, helping you to find the tool most suited to support your needs.

Our tools

  • Learn Ultra (VLE)

    The VLE used by most departments (including Hull York Medical School).

  • Panopto

    The Lecture Capture and video creation and sharing tool used by most departments.

  • Canvas (VLE)

    The VLE used for York Online programmes.

  • Reading List

    Collate module readings within VLE sites and inform Library stock levels (with the Reading List team).

  • Mentimeter

    Polling, knowledge checks and other interactions.

  • Padlet

    A flexible web-based tool for pinboards, discussion and project work.

  • Xerte

    Create interactive online content.

  • System data & analytics

    Explore interaction data and usage reporting for our tools.

Key tools supported by other UoY teams

  • Google Workspace tools

    Google Drive, GMail, Google Calendar and more. Supported by: IT Services

  • Zoom

    Web-based video conferencing. Supported by: IT Services

  • Timetable

    Timetabling teaching activities and requesting lecture capturing Supported by: Timetabling

  • Moodle (VLE)

    The VLE used by the Department of Mathematics.

  • Echo360

    The Lecture Capture and video creation and sharing tool used by Hull York Medical School.

For more tools, see our guidance on getting help from other teams

External/non-supported tools


Only use an external tool if there is no suitable supported tool available. Numerous considerations must be taken before using an external tool.

Start with supported UoY tools, as these have approved in terms of:

  • user support availability (from UoY teams and suppliers)
  • robust data security
  • service reliability
  • accessibility compliance

However, this can't be guaranteed for external tools and so they pose a risk. If you are interested in using an external tool and feel there is a strong rationale for using it, first work through the considerations and necessary steps in this document:

Use of external IT services for learning and teaching