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Update assessment due dates


In rolled-over sites, assessment due dates and release dates must be updated for the new academic year. Items can be hidden fom students if the new due date is still to be confirmed.

If old due dates are left visible once the site is opened:

  • students may receive confusing/stressful automatic notifications of missing or overdue work.
  • items released based on date will be visible to students.

So, before making your new Ultra site available to students, make sure to update due dates or hide submission points/tests from students (to update later).

This guides uses assessment item to collectively refer to the various submission point types and tests available in an Ultra site.

List all assessment items

Within your Ultra site, click Gradebook in the top horizontal menu, then Markable Items. This lists all assessment items and their due dates to check.

Panopto: Locating a List of your Site's Submission Points and Tests (UoY login required)

Hide assessment items

If the new due date is still to be confirmed, you can hide the assessment item from students and update it later.

Edit due dates

Here are steps to update assessment item due dates via the Markable Items list. This is just one way; for example, you can also update due dates for Ultra Assignments and Tests using the Batch edit tool.

TurnItIn Feedback Studio

Make sure to check and update the due date in both Ultra and TurnItIn.

  1. Click Gradebook in the top horizontal menu, then Markable Items.
  2. Update in Ultra: click on three dot icon (“...”) to right of the TurnItIn Feedback Studio submission point, click Edit, update the due date, then Save.
  3. Update in TurnItIn: back in the Markable Items list, click the name of submission point, click Cog icon in top right to open Settings, update start and release dates as needed, then Save.

Panopto: TurnItIn Assignment - Changing Due Date (UoY login required)

Ultra Assignment

  1. Click Gradebook in the top horizontal menu, then Markable Items.
  2. Click on three dot icon (“...”) to right of the Ultra Assignment submission point, click Edit, update the due date, then Save.

Panopto: Ultra Assignment - Changing Due Date (UoY login required)


  1. Click Gradebook in the top horizontal menu, then Markable Items.
  2. There will not be a due date shown, as dates are only shown within the Gradescope item.
  3. Click on Gradescope submission point name, click Settings, update the dates, then Save.

Panopto: Gradescope Assignment - Changing Due Date (UoY login required)

Ultra Tests

  1. Click Gradebook in the top horizontal menu, then Markable Items.
  2. Click on three dot icon (“...”) to right of the Ultra Test, click Edit, update the due date, then Save.

Panopto: Ultra Tests - Changing Due Date (UoY login required)